Anime Mid-Atlantic 3:
Putting the con in confusing

This year, they went to a new hotel, mere minutes from their old location.  They expected growth.  What they got was so much more.


How in hell did this trip take over 4 hours?

My plan for a scenic drive was beset by a late start, small construction zones, and accidents.  Oh, and an active railroad crossing.  But what mattered was, I arrived.  Picked up my room key, and overheard comments about how confusing the hotel was.  I was going to find out firsthand how true the legends were.

Anyway, let's get down to brass tacks.

How much for the ape?  No, wait, that's something different.  Anyway, the con.  Found a friendly, helpful staffer who pointed me to the registration table.  Saw someone in a Kikkoman outfit; I'm very surprised I hadn't seen that one before.  Looked at the video schedule; four video rooms full of stuff I had already seen, or was planning to buy anyway, or didn't want to see.  Yum.  Steve S. said the dealers room was disappointing compared to last year.  This bodes well for my budget.  Last year's dealers room could've used some help.  Could it be worse than Tekkoshocon's?

"Do we get a prize for finding the art show?"

The overall complexity of the hotel supplies endless and equal amounts of amusement and frustration.  Art show was not where advertised, due to a hotel glitch.  This place is something MC Escher would be proud of.  Gotta go upstairs to go downstairs, downstairs to go upstairs, leftstairs to go rightstairs, and so on.  Madness.  I'm afraid the elevators will take me to an entirely different building altogether.

I hope I never get lost in here...

Hanging around at the AUSA table, talking with Brian about a variety of things, and watching people play DDR and walk by.  People are asking us questions about where things are, or even where the staffers have gone.  Good question.  Maybe they're helping people that are lost in the hotel, or lost themselves.  Learned that main events is in an entirely different building after all, a giant tent.  That's right, a tent.  Or rather, a semi-permanent structure out in the parking lot.  Looks like it could sit there for years, or it could be taken down in a day.

I'm feeling kinda weird and disoriented, probably because I only had a couple hours of sleep last night.  Or is it because of the surreal layout of the hotel?  Even the hotel employees admit the place is confusing.  Gradually learning the layout gives me a sense of conquest, which in itself is fun.  And that's what I like about anime cons, I can have loads of fun on my own terms.


Revenge of Mr. Slim Pickings

Finally woke up, showered, and took some stuff to the AUSA table.  The doorway to main events would open at times, and the influx of sunlight is almost blinding.

Later on, hung out with &rew, and shared part of our music collections.  After that, went into the dealers room, which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but still in the weak end of the spectrum.  Ventured out to get something to eat, now I'm kinda tired, despite not having really done anything.  Nap-time anyway.

Well, if skipping the cosplay means getting another good hearty meal, a refreshing nap, or quality time with friends, that works for me.  The time and effort required for me to tape a cosplay from a decent position grows each year, and it's gradually becoming less and less worth it.  For many cons nowadays, a press badge is a requirement for good taping-grade seating.  I see their point, otherwise scores of people would crowd at the front, causing a mess.

Drunks believe the damndest things...

A few hours and some non-events later, I'm helping to escort a drunk back to her room.  Generally to keep her from getting into real trouble.  We just told her there was DDR in her room, and off she went without protest.

So far, all I bought was a CD and a mini-model.  I'll probably get something else tomorrow, but if not, then that's ok.

Nothing says class like Main Events in a giant TENT.

Went to the dance in the main events room, in all its temporary glory.  Well, it does the job.  Anyway, the music was great, I'm gonna have to borrow some from &rew.  Would've actually moved my body some more, but I need the use of my left knee to get back home tomorrow.

Pulled out my laptop for grins and giggles, but only for a little bit.  Of course, that was after the fire alarm.  Didn't have it out long, eventually went back to the room and conked out.


The post-con Greasy Spoon

Woke up, took care of business, moved stuff out to Yamiko-chan.  Got a doujinshi from the dealers room, then went to work at the AUSA table.  It's the Sunday Slows, and in a few hours I'll be heading down the road, stopping only for something to eat.  In the meantime, I'm getting more fan-badges done of myself and Yamiko-chan.  Ah, the artist doesn't have enough of a hangover to prevent her doing a nice job.

The time finally came to leave, and it was decided that a bunch of us would stop at a truck stop on the way, just a few miles up the road.  It was a buffet at the Flying J.  Service was minimal, and while the food wasn't spectacular, it was edible and filling.  It was food, going in to do it's job.


Attendance:  Word is about 1400 or so.

Highs:  That would cover quite a bit, but the music sharing with &rew was one of the many high points, as well as generally goofing off.

Lows:  Again, craptacular planning on my part resulting in a bunch of minor annoyances.

Food:  Mixture of fast food and low-end restaurant fare.

Cost overview:  Same situation as Animazement; lost track of what I spent.  But I was pretty good, I think.

Conclusion:  I believe I'll go next year, but it probably won't be a priority convention.

Next anime convention:  Otakon X!
Next convention of any kind:  Shore Leave 25!

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