Old news and such:

The Wordpress install experiment also appeared to be compromised, so I got rid of that and replaced that with another blog/CMS thingamabob that will take me years to figure out. Just as well, it wouldn't let me do a couple things I wanted to, at least not without constantly tweaking it. The gallery however came out ok. In fact, I just added a bunch more pictures to that of my 2012 road trip(s). Don't worry about the 8GB of pictures, I pruned and resized them down to... 500MB.

Looks like the Maid gallery may have also been compromised. The original script was several years old, and a newer version wasn't available anymore. The last time anything was uploaded to it was in 2010. It was something of an experiment in the first place. The successful part of that experiment was that I was able to install scripts on my own. The unsuccessful part was keeping it running. Just as well; I don't want to be the next Gelbooru or Rule34 site.

The Forum had to be nuked, as it was overrun by spam accounts and was likely heavily compromised. That's my own damn fault for not updating it regularly. It's sad when my anti-virus has to intervene when visiting parts of my own site. Not like anyone was using it anyway.
York Anime Club is effectively no more, existing only in spirit. After the mall wiped out our meeting area, we resorted to meeting in someone's basement, and then I just kind of walked away from it, leaving it in someone else's hands.
I keep meaning to attempt to install another script for some fancy function, and do all kinds of work on this site, but then ADD happens.
At some point I'll also have to upload the 8GB or so of pictures from my 2012 road trip.

This site is still not dead. In fact, I've made another site that I can ignore: Geekosterone.com! It's the sort of thing that I helped whip up for a friend who wanted to get a site going about geekish things, but neither of us haven't been arsed to do anything with it.
Instead of badgering the site's servers with my script experiments, I'm using MAMP/WAMP with some success. Oh learning curve, how I hate thee....
Also, the Geoshitties sites have been flushed down the toilet, whether I wanted them to or not. Funny thing is, the geocities.co.jp sites (which I didn't have any of) are still up.
Site name is "cardboardshrine" and yet the background is of diamond-tread plating. Irony.
I need to heavily modify the page for York Anime Club. Everything's changed.

Still haven't canned the forum, but that's ok. It can live another day. It's no big deal.
Cars section adjusted to reflect the tragic loss of Yamiko-chan, and the rise of Nozomi-chan.
Will probably move stuff here from an old geocities site I got long before this. There's a reason I went to Paid Hosting.
Last pictures I added to the Gallery were from Otakon 2007? Sad, I know.
Highly experimental. May or may not be worksafe.
The WordPress install is still under wraps, so no link yet. Part of me wants to have it go live as-is, part of me wants to continue working on it, part of me wants to pave it over and start fresh with something else.

York Anime Club: From a functional point of view, it's been mostly handed off to others to run. I used to post a schedule, but I gave up on doing that because every time I would, something would happen and the schedule would get thrown out the window. Meh.

7/18/08: Meh, nothing big. Mostly some experiments, like with the WordPress install that's eventually going to be the home for reports (unless I decide something else is better) and fiddling with the background image of the main page.

I'm thinking of closing down and gutting the Forum. The last human to actually use it was sometime in 2006? Early 2007? Can't say that I'm no less guilty, possibly moreso because I run this site and should pay more attention to it. Oh well.

1/23/07: Added a page and link to the York Anime Club. Primitive (like the rest of this site) but functional (like the rest of this site). Coincidence?

10/15/06: Canned the TagBoard altogether, since their whole system has gone down completely anyway. Makes that decision easier. Since I almost NEVER update the fansub status page, I'm also doing away with that. It's for the best, really.

10/12/06: Woah, two updates in the same month? Mindboggling! So anyway, some more news. The Image Gallery is up! Yes, that's right, an image gallery. So I (or Ai or Yamiko) can add pictures of things and stuff. Currently set up so that a Forum registration will also allow for unfettered viewing and commenting, but most users will be unable to upload pictures yet. But it's open for that possibility, if someone can give me a good reason, I can allow. I'm probably also going to use The Gallery to clean out most of the Random folder eventually.

10/1/06: ZOMGWTFBBQ an update! Oh wait, I forgot what I was going to say, lol. 4chan is making me retarded. Also, if I catch anyone hotlinking without my permission, I reserve the right to screw around with the affected image. Woe unto those that face Yamiko-chan's wrath if SHE gets involved.

I've tried to keep this site as simple as possible through the years, but I fully realize and acknowledge that it hasn't been 1998 for quite some time now. So, I'm creeping slowly into the 21st Century.

Added a counter, FINALLY. I'm not going to bother to guess how many hits I've gotten up to now.

I'm probably going to toss the TagBoard eventually. But that's ok, especially since my current host enables me to add in all sorts of things that would make the TagBoard pointless. I am currently working on stuffing in a chat function that would effectively replace that. Problems with the TagBoard include but are not limited to: Pop-up ads, non-local control, and I've lost the original email address associated with admin control over the TagBoard. But hey, it was a good idea at the time.

I have also opened up a forum. I know what you're thinking, "great another damn forum for me to register with". You don't have to join, but you'd be that much cooler if you did.

Other new features possibly in the works: an honest-to-goodness image gallery, as well as blog and guestbook capabilities.

12/3/05: 'Allo everyone. As you can see, this site is still up! Duh. Anyway, I had to get a new server because for some unknown reason, the old one mysteriously vanished overnight. Everything went well for a couple years, and all of a sudden, FWOOM! Nothing. On top of that, they still have my cardboard-shrine.com domain locked. Fortunately I still have options, as shown by you being able to read this site.

There's a bunch of things I keep meaning to throw on here, but haven't for some reason or another. Mostly because I'm lazy. Yeah, that's it. And anime. Watching, downloading anime, and going to conventions. Which reminds me, I haven't done any reports in over a year. But then again, for what I've been doing at conventions, what's to write about? "Worked at AUSA table. Went to dealers room to buy stuff. Went to hotel room to sleep and check email and torrents. (Or in the case of Katsucon this year, went home at night instead.) Goofed off, got something to eat." So there you have it, I have just described most of the conventions that I have been to in the past year and a half.

The media section is generally gone. C'mon, that stuff has been in there forever. Besides, much of the goodies that have been getting posted lately are sprinkled in my LJ.

Since this is on a new server, I get more power about the content of the site, and one of those powers is deciding what site may hotlink and what may not. Suffice to say, I'm making use of that.

12/27/04: Merry Christmas everyone, and soon to be a Happy New Year. Yes, I know, this main page gets updated rarely, but it also gives absolutely no indication of the true activity that goes on within. I'm finding my monthly bandwidth usage creeping up, probably because of all the goodies that I (and my cars) sprinkle in our LiveJournals. I also now have cable internet, so I should be more likely to update this from home. Should be. But what have I done? Well, cleaned up the anime title list, and soon(HAHAHAH), I shall add more to the 2-cent anime reviews.

9/7/04: If I didn't know any better, I would think I had abandoned the site. But far from it! In fact, for the past several months, I have been seriously pretending to get around to updating it! Why, that may eventually mean an actual update and addition soon! Just you wait. Heh.
To be truthful, I have started getting spam via the email link below. I have slightly modified it so someone will have to make a genuine effort to contact me through that address, effectively removing most non-humans from the loop. Heheh.
Oh, and I added a links page, and tweaked the fansub page a bit. Heheheh.

5/16/04: With the Tekkoshocon report still in the making (translated as: haven't done a damn thing with it), I have decided to update something else. Specifically the Rides and Two-cent review sections. Not as big and meaty as what other parts of the site could be, but still something.

2/27/04:  Ok, ok, I finally did it, I finally got caught up on a bunch of con reports.  New:  Anime Weekend Atlanta 9, AnimeUSA 5, Ohayocon 4, and Katsucon 10!  I might even add something else to this page before long!  Now don't we all feel special now?

9/17/03: Got the conventions page running. And the media section is up with a few goodies to kick things off with.

9/9/03: Beginning to move things to this site. Gonna need to re-work the whole thing eventually anyway. What a pain in the ass. What nails me is realizing how developed the first version got over the years.  Thought about just copying everything over after changing internal linkage.  Still thinking about it, really.

Alright, nothing else to see here, keep moving.